How are you…..
Wow what a time it is in the world right now! Coronavirus
has done a giant shift change in 2020… I had all these new ideals and plans to
talk with you guys about with my new blogs for 2020. Which eventually I will
post. But first I want to start with, how are you? And I want to send some
encouraging words to anyone who is reading this. I know we’re all going thru tough times and big changes right now. Its effecting us all in different ways and I am praying for anyone who reads this for your strength, keeping your mind clear and that you will overcome this epidemic and stay healthy and safe. Remember you are not alone, and if you are struggling please reach out to whoever you can thru social media facetime etc. I myself have been having a lot of meetings thru zoom for work and family. Or if you like to write me here on this blog please do so and I would love to send good vibes your way. It really is a time that we all need each other. I am a firm believer in god, and he has control over all things. So, this Pandemic can’t stay forever this to shall pass. I must admit I am ok with the change that is happening with people. More people are being kinder and helping one another and praying more than I’ve ever seen before. After this finally passes, I don’t want us to go back to our old ways. May this make us stronger and a better people to each other. Stay inside if you can be kind to yourself love yourself and be kind to others. If you happen to be out and wearing your mask still smile at folks with your eyes throw a thumbs up. It’s the little things that will get us thru this. I am praying for you I am sending a virtual hug. God bless you and stay safe.
Doing it scared 10/16/19
Sometimes, we have no clue what we’re doing. The whole fake it till you make it, it’s a real thing! Leaders and business owners don’t have all the answers. Nor does the person at the top or at the front of the line. Most have a strong circle of people in their life. You need your cheerleading team and their input to help direct you in a path that you may not have seen or even thought of. Continuing to grow is key. Learning from each other is a good thing. We are not in competition with each other. Everyone has their own path. It doesn’t take much for an ideal to be born and then it turns into A BIG DEAL. So, challenge yourself with people who care about the outcome and will also question ideals and bend the path. Happy traveling on your path -ML-
Feeling alone 10/23/19
All humans at one point in life will experience feeling alone. Rather your single and not in a relationship, or you feel like people don’t understand you, or your walking in your first class or meeting and don’t know a soul. I find that being an entrepreneur is one of the loneliness paths I’ve walked on. Standing up being a leader and believing in your business or your self is scary!! Not everyone agrees. You will hit roadblocks where people will not believe, but honestly you must believe first before anyone else will. Once you hit that moment in your path its gold and other things will fall in place. It is truly magical once you begin your process and your ideas become alive. Once you meet people who are by your side and you can get knowledge from them and advice it is super helpful. It is good to network speak to others who may be in the same field. You’d be surprise what you might learn and the comfort that comes and how scared they are as well, and gain knowledge of how they overcame and achieved their goals. Give yourself a chance don’t give up. Remember your ideas, your business is just as great as the next person! Most huge businesses started with an idea of someone’s dreams and usually they were in their basement, garage or home and it bloomed into something amazing. Remember in the end, you always find your person or people who have similar ideals. Do not leave this earth without giving yourself a chance! You’ll never know if you don’t try. If your reading this your idea is a big deal! Begin your process. Good luck! Wish you nothing but the best! -ML-